Year 3
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Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
General 101 experiences: |
Take part in a debate Loan a library book Undertake a whole school leadership role |
Visit the cinema visit a place of worship Earn a pen licence Sing in a choir |
Take part in a debate Loan a library book Undertake a whole school leadership role Earn a pen licence |
Take part in a debate Loan a library book Undertake a whole school leadership role Earn a pen licence |
Take part in a debate Loan a library book Undertake a whole school leadership role Earn a pen licence
Take part in a debate Loan a library book Undertake a whole school leadership role Earn a pen licence |
English |
Fantastic Mr Fox, by Roald Dahl Stone Age Boy, by Satoshi Kitamura Stone Age, Bone Age, by Mick Manning Mary Anning |
Escape From Pompeii, by Christina Balit Village of Round & Square Houses, by Ann Grifalconi Take part in a poetry slam |
Iron Man, by Ted Hughes Beware of Boys, by Tony Blundell On the Ning, Nang, Nong, by Spike Milligan |
True Story of the Three Little Pigs, by Jon Scieszka Cook something healthy |
Romulus & Remus Krindlekrax, by Philip Ridley |
The Romans: Gods, Emperors & Dormice |
Maths |
Fractions |
Statistics | ||||
Science |
Dissect a flower |
Electricity | ||||
History / Geography |
Take part in a history themed day |
Earthquakes & Volcanoes | Iron Age | Transportation | The Roman Empire | Describing Maps & Europe |
Jewish Celebrations | What is the Bible? | Sikh Rites of Passage | |||
Art / DT
Study the work of a famous artist |
Pneumatics (DT) |
Study the work of a famous artist |
Frame Structures (DT) |
Study the work of a famous artist |
Cook something healthy |
Coding | Touch Typing | Branching Databases | |||
Music Learn to play an instrument |
Ukulele | Ukulele | Ukulele | Ukulele | Ukulele | Ukulele |
PE Experience a range of sports |
Fundamentals Ball Skills |
Gymnastics Dodgeball Be part of a team |
Dance Netball Be part of a team |
Fitness Tag Rugby Be part of a team |
Athletics Tennis |
Cricket Handball Be part of a team |
Being Me | Celebrate Difference | Dreams & Goals | Changing Me | Relationships | Healthy Me |
MFL Learn a language |
French: Greetings | French: The Classroom | French: Body Parts | French: Animals | French: Family | French: Happy Birthday |
Trips/ Experiences |
Stone Age Day - £5 (Portals to the Past) | Triumph - Learn about local history - £15 | Roman Day - Bosworth Heritage Centre - £15 | B |
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